Group Personality Comparison

Click on a parent and child name below to do a comparison of personality question responses for those two people.
Not at all
like me
like me
like me
A lot
like me
I am a perfectionist
I am often pushy about what I want
I love to do things spontaneously
I often have trouble making decisions
I like facts and will speak using facts
I do not like change
I like routine and am predictible
I like to take risks
I am optimistic
I am dependable
I have a lot of enthusiasm
I am tolerant of others
I prefer variety over the same thing
I like order and keep myself in order
I do not often give up
I am great at getting things done
I am a good listener
I am good at seeing future opportunities
I do my best to be accurate and expect others to do the same
I am self-controlled
Not at all
like me
like me
like me
A lot
like me
I am empathetic
I am purposeful about what I do
I prefer a schedule and tend to make them for myself
I am good at peace-making
I like to start things
I love adventure
I like to be precise
I am deliberate
I tend to make goals for myself
I like to take care of others and help them feel better
I can be inspiring to others
I am detail-oriented
I am resourceful
I can adapt well
I can fit in with all types of people
I am popular
I am good at motivating others
I am generally calm
I do not demand from others
I am realistic
Not at all
like me
like me
like me
A lot
like me
I am careful about what I do
I often give in to others
I am patient
I am easy going
I feel confident in most situations
I am quiet and reserved
I love to work in groups
I am perceptive
I love to promote ideas to others
I tend to take charge in groups
I am a great problem solver
I like a challenge
I tend to think critically to figure out meaning or lessons
I am firm about what I want
I am determined
I believe I can do anything
I am fun-loving
I have a strong will
I am thoughtful and kind
I enjoy close relationships
Not at all
like me
like me
like me
A lot
like me
I am energetic
I like to be in control
I am pretty independent
I love competition and like to win
I like routine
New Ideas energize me
I am action-oriented
I am curious and like to ask questions
I am loyal
I am friendly and outgoing
I am sensitive
I have a dry sense of humor
I am sensitive
I love to talk
I am courageous
I love change

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