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Environment Preferences Assessment

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Environment Attribute My Preference


When studying, I like the room... to be quiet
a be somewhat noisy (like cars or street noise)
to have music playing
to have people talking


When studying, I like... being by myself with the door closed
being with other people who are quiet
being with other people who are talking or doing things
being with a pet

Body Position

When studying, I like... sitting at a desk or table
sitting on the floor
lying on the bed, floor, or couch
standing at the board or a tall table


When studying, I prefer... bright light
low light
sunlight (outdoors)
light from a window
the kind of light doesn't matter


As far as the temperature, ... I get cold easily
I get hot easily
I like the windows open
I like to keep the windows closed.
I often need my sweater or sweatshirt
I would rather wear shorts most of the time
The temperature is usually fine for me


Related to eating and drinking... I get hungry before lunchtime
I get hungry between lunch and dinnertime
I get hungry between dinner and bedtime
I get thirsty a lot
I usually don't feel hungry or thirsty


I feel most able to tackle tough subjects... Between 8am & 12pm
Between 12pm & 3pm
At night after dinner


I enjoy learning most when I am... Working in a group
Working by myself
Working one on one with a teacher


I enjoy learning about the world from a Faith based perspective
Non faith-based perspective
Mixture of faith and secular perspective

Curriculum Type

I mainly like to Learn using technology
Learn using mainly books/written materials
Learn through experience outside of a classroom


When I think about school I feel Excited and happy
Uninterested or bored
Afraid or hopeless